The Corydoras sterbai, also known as Sterbai Cory, is a popular freshwater fish among aquarists. These small, peaceful catfish are native to South America and are commonly kept in community aquariums. Their striking appearance, hardy nature, and easy care requirements make them a favorite among both beginner and experienced fishkeepers. In this guide, we will discuss the characteristics, temperament, origin, natural habitat, care requirements, health, diet, breeding, and where to find the Corydoras sterbai for sale.
The Sterbai Cory is known for its unique appearance. They have a stocky body shape with an armored plating that runs along their sides. Their coloration consists of a white or cream-colored body covered with distinct black spots. They also have a prominent black band that runs through the length of their body. The Sterbai Cory typically grows to a size of around 2.5 inches (6.3 cm), making them an ideal choice for smaller aquariums.
Temperament & Behavior
Corydoras sterbai are peaceful and social fish that are best kept in groups of five or more. They are known for their playful and active behavior, often seen exploring the bottom of the aquarium in search of food. These catfish are generally non-aggressive and get along well with other community fish. However, they may exhibit occasional territorial behavior during breeding periods.
The Corydoras sterbai is native to the upper Rio Guaporé in Brazil and Bolivia. They are found in slow-moving rivers and streams with sandy or muddy bottoms. They prefer well-oxygenated water with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.
Natural Habitat
In their natural habitat, the Sterbai Cory resides mostly on the bottom of the water column, foraging for food. They are known to inhabit areas with dense vegetation, using their barbels to locate food particles among the substrate and detritus. The clear waters of the Rio Guaporé provide an ideal environment for these catfish.
Proper care is essential to ensure the health and well-being of the Sterbai Cory. Here are a few key care requirements to keep in mind:
- Aquarium Size: A tank size of at least 20 gallons is recommended for a small group of Corydoras sterbai.
- Water Parameters: The ideal water temperature for the Sterbai Cory is between 73°F to 79°F (23°C to 26°C), with a pH level of 6.0 to 7.5. It is crucial to maintain excellent water quality, including regular water changes, to keep these fish healthy.
- Tank Setup: Provide a sandy or fine-gravel substrate to mimic their natural habitat. The tank should also have plenty of hiding places such as caves, driftwood, and plants. A moderate water flow is beneficial as it replicates their natural habitat conditions.
- Tankmates: Corydoras sterbai are peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive fish species, such as tetras, guppies, and rasboras. Avoid keeping them with large, aggressive fish or those that may nip at their delicate barbels.
Health & Diseases
The Sterbai Cory is generally a hardy fish that is not prone to many diseases. However, they can still be susceptible to common aquarium ailments such as ich, fin rot, and velvet. Maintaining excellent water quality, a balanced diet, and regular observation will help prevent disease outbreaks. Quarantining new fish before introducing them to the main tank is also recommended to prevent potential infections from spreading.
Diet & Feeding
Corydoras sterbai are omnivores and require a balanced diet. They will readily accept a variety of foods, including high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. It is important to provide a mix of protein and vegetable-based foods to ensure their nutritional needs are met. Feeding them small portions multiple times a day is ideal, as they have a small stomach and can only consume small amounts of food at a time.
Breeding the Sterbai Cory in captivity is possible with the right conditions and care. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:
- Separate Breeding Tank: Setting up a separate breeding tank with dim lighting and gentle water flow is recommended. Provide suitable spawning substrate such as broad-leaved plants, fine sand, or a slate tile.
- Conditioning & Spawning: To stimulate breeding, ensure the fish are well-fed and in good health. A gradual increase in water temperature, as well as frequent water changes, can trigger spawning behavior. The female will lay a cluster of adhesive eggs, which the male will then fertilize.
- Aftercare: After spawning, remove the adult fish from the breeding tank to prevent them from consuming the eggs. The eggs will hatch in approximately 4 to 6 days, and the fry will start consuming small foods such as infusoria and powdered fry food. As they grow, they can be gradually introduced to larger foods.
Places You Find it for Sale
Corydoras sterbai are commonly available in pet stores and online aquarium retailers. When purchasing these fish, it is essential to choose a reputable seller with healthy and well-cared-for specimens. Ensure that the fish are active, have no visible signs of disease, and are not overly stressed or emaciated.

What is the scientific name of Corydoras Sterbai?
The scientific name of Corydoras Sterbai is Corydoras sterbai.
What is the common name of Corydoras Sterbai?
The common name of Corydoras Sterbai is Sterba’s Corydoras.
What is the origin of Corydoras Sterbai?
Corydoras Sterbai is native to the upper Guaporé River basin in Brazil.
What is the size of an adult Corydoras Sterbai?
An adult Corydoras Sterbai can grow up to 2.5 inches (6.5 cm) in length.
What is the lifespan of Corydoras Sterbai?
Corydoras Sterbai can live for about 5-7 years with proper care.
What are the ideal water parameters for Corydoras Sterbai?
The ideal water parameters for Corydoras Sterbai are a pH of 6.0-7.8, temperature of 75-82°F (24-28°C), and soft to moderately hard water.
What is the recommended tank size for Corydoras Sterbai?
A tank size of at least 20 gallons (75 liters) is recommended for keeping Corydoras Sterbai.
Are Corydoras Sterbai shoaling fish?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai are shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of at least 6 individuals.
What should I feed my Corydoras Sterbai?
Corydoras Sterbai are omnivores and can be fed a variety of foods including high-quality flakes, pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small crustaceans.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept with other fish?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai can be kept with other peaceful fish that have similar water parameter requirements.
Do Corydoras Sterbai require a heater?
Yes, a heater is recommended to maintain the proper temperature range for Corydoras Sterbai.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a bare-bottom tank?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai can be kept in a bare-bottom tank, but providing a substrate such as sand is preferable as it allows them to exhibit natural behaviors.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a planted tank?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai can be kept in a planted tank, but care should be taken to choose plants that can withstand their digging behavior.
How often should I perform water changes for Corydoras Sterbai?
Regular water changes of 25-30% every 1-2 weeks are recommended for Corydoras Sterbai.
Are Corydoras Sterbai compatible with shrimp?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai are generally compatible with shrimp, but caution should be exercised with very small shrimp species as they may be seen as food.
Do Corydoras Sterbai require a filter?
Yes, a filter is recommended to maintain good water quality for Corydoras Sterbai.
Can Corydoras Sterbai tolerate high nitrate levels?
No, Corydoras Sterbai are sensitive to high nitrate levels, so it is important to keep nitrate levels below 20 ppm.
Are Corydoras Sterbai nocturnal?
Corydoras Sterbai are primarily active during the day but may exhibit some nocturnal behavior.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a community tank?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai can be kept in a community tank with other peaceful fish that have similar water parameter requirements.
Are Corydoras Sterbai jumpers?
Corydoras Sterbai are not known to be jumpers, but it is still recommended to have a secure lid on the aquarium to prevent any accidents.
What is the recommended tank setup for Corydoras Sterbai?
A well-planted tank with hiding places, driftwood, and smooth substrate such as sand is recommended for Corydoras Sterbai.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a brackish water tank?
No, Corydoras Sterbai are strictly freshwater fish and should not be kept in brackish water.
Do Corydoras Sterbai have any special care requirements?
Corydoras Sterbai do not have any specific special care requirements but providing them with a balanced diet and proper water parameters is essential for their well-being.
Where can I buy Corydoras Sterbai?
Corydoras Sterbai can be purchased from reputable aquarium stores, online fish stores, or from private breeders.
How do I acclimate Corydoras Sterbai to my tank?
To acclimate Corydoras Sterbai to your tank, float the bag containing them in the tank for about 15-20 minutes to equalize the temperature, then gradually add small amounts of tank water to the bag over a period of 30 minutes to allow them to adjust to the new water parameters.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a coldwater tank?
No, Corydoras Sterbai require tropical temperatures and should be kept in a heated tank.
Are Corydoras Sterbai aggressive?
No, Corydoras Sterbai are peaceful fish and are not known to be aggressive.
Do Corydoras Sterbai breed easily in captivity?
Corydoras Sterbai can breed in captivity, but it may require specific conditions such as a temperature drop and the presence of a spawning mop or spawning cave.
How can I tell the difference between male and female Corydoras Sterbai?
Male Corydoras Sterbai generally have a slimmer and more streamlined body than females. Males also develop longer and more pointed pectoral fins, while females tend to be larger and rounder when viewed from above.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a small tank?
No, Corydoras Sterbai should not be kept in a small tank as they require proper swimming space and room to explore.
What tankmates are suitable for Corydoras Sterbai?
Suitable tankmates for Corydoras Sterbai include other peaceful fish such as tetras, gouramis, rasboras, and other species of Corydoras.
Are Corydoras Sterbai sensitive to water quality?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai are sensitive to poor water quality and can be negatively affected by high ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept with aggressive fish?
No, it is not recommended to keep Corydoras Sterbai with aggressive fish as they are likely to become stressed, bullied, or injured.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a species-only tank?
Yes, a species-only tank with just Corydoras Sterbai can be set up, but it is still important to provide them with ample swimming space, hiding spots, and appropriate tank mates.
What is the behavior of Corydoras Sterbai like?
Corydoras Sterbai are generally peaceful and social fish. They are known for their bottom-dwelling behavior and tend to be active during the day.
Do Corydoras Sterbai require a lot of maintenance?
Corydoras Sterbai do not require a lot of maintenance, but regular tank maintenance such as water changes and filter cleaning are necessary to keep them healthy.
How many Corydoras Sterbai can be housed in a tank?
At least 6 Corydoras Sterbai should be housed together, but a larger group is recommended to ensure their social well-being.
Do Corydoras Sterbai have any unique markings?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai have a distinctive pattern of black spots or markings on their body and fins, as well as a bright yellow-orange coloration on their head and dorsal fin.
What is the cost of Corydoras Sterbai?
The cost of Corydoras Sterbai can vary depending on factors such as size, availability, and location, but they are generally priced between $5-10 per fish.
Do Corydoras Sterbai require a lot of space to swim?
Corydoras Sterbai do not require a lot of open swimming space but having a tank with ample swimming space is important for their overall well-being.
Are Corydoras Sterbai fin nippers?
No, Corydoras Sterbai are not fin nippers and are generally peaceful towards other fish.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a small community tank?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai can be kept in a small community tank as long as there is enough space for them and their tank mates.
What is the best substrate for Corydoras Sterbai?
The best substrate for Corydoras Sterbai is fine sand or smooth gravel as it allows them to sift through and search for food without injuring their barbels.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a tank with aggressive shrimp?
No, it is not recommended to keep Corydoras Sterbai in a tank with aggressive shrimp as they may harass or injure the fish.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a reef tank?
No, Corydoras Sterbai are freshwater fish and are not suitable for a reef tank.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept with discus?
Yes, Corydoras Sterbai can be kept with discus as they have similar water parameter requirements and are generally peaceful.
Are Corydoras Sterbai jumpers?
Corydoras Sterbai are not known to be jumpers, but it is still recommended to have a secure lid on the aquarium to prevent any accidents.
What should I do if a Corydoras Sterbai is not eating?
If a Corydoras Sterbai is not eating, it may be a sign of stress or illness. Ensure that water parameters are suitable and consider consulting a fish veterinarian if the problem persists.
How do I know if my Corydoras Sterbai is healthy?
A healthy Corydoras Sterbai will have clear eyes, a plump and active appearance, and a good appetite. They should also display normal behavior and swim actively.
Are Corydoras Sterbai easy to breed?
Corydoras Sterbai can be bred in captivity, but they do require specific conditions such as a temperature drop and the presence of spawning sites to trigger breeding behavior.
Can Corydoras Sterbai be kept in a tank without a heater?
No, Corydoras Sterbai require a consistent tropical temperature and a heater should be used to maintain the proper temperature range.
Should I use a sponge filter for Corydoras Sterbai?
A sponge filter can be a suitable choice for Corydoras Sterbai as they are not strong swimmers and can benefit from the gentle flow and biological filtration provided by a sponge filter.
Are Corydoras Sterbai sensitive to medication?
Corydoras Sterbai can be sensitive to certain medications, especially those containing copper. It is important to choose fish medications that are safe for use with Corydoras species.
Can Corydoras Sterbai tolerate high ammonia levels?
No, Corydoras Sterbai are sensitive to high ammonia levels and it is important to keep ammonia levels as close to zero as possible.
The Corydoras sterbai is a beautiful and peaceful catfish that brings life and activity to any aquarium. With proper care, they can thrive and contribute to the overall health and balance of a community tank. Their unique appearance and playful behavior make them a joy to observe, while their easy care requirements make them suitable for beginners and experienced fishkeepers alike. Consider adding these delightful catfish to your aquarium and enjoy the charm they bring to your underwater world.